Preseason concussion screening is required for ALL players EVERY year.
Mayo trainer Dan Christoffer will arrange a time before the season begins so you can complete this. That time has not yet been posted; monitor the Band for the most up-to-date details.
The screening is used as a baseline measurement in case the player gets a concussion during the season.
Players will NOT be allowed to practice or play in games if they have not completed the screening.
NOTE: You may need to wait in line for your turn for testing, so allow plenty of time if you are taking part before a practice session.
Fall Sports Registration will be August 1 - August 8, 2022. Please plan accordingly so you do not miss the first week of practice/try outs. If you do not register within this time or if you do not have your fees paid and physical on-file in the athletic office by August 8, you will not be able to practice the first days of practice. The registration link can be found under the Home section at the top left of this page.
You need a current (within the last three years) physical on file with the Activities office in order to sign up for sports. Directions for seeing the date of the last physical on file with the school are located on the main webpage (bottom right corner). The physical form for your doctor to complete can be found under FORMS under the Home section at the top of this page. The main webpage also has information on a summer sports physical day at Olmsted Medical Center and the Mayo Clinic.