Attendance and being in the water on time is required for all practices and scheduled swim meets. Priorities for the season are family/academics/health and then the swim team. Athletes have committed to the team by their registration and for this brief time, swimming/diving needs to be at the top of the list for extracurricular activities. It is difficult to develop athletically and be a productive member of the team without attending practices. That being said, please contact your coach about scheduling conflicts so expectations can be considered.
Communicating any absences in a proactive manner with your coach is essential. Cell phone calls and texts can be used at any time for this purpose BUT emails are preferred.
NOTE: School policy requires that the student/athlete attend the last four classes of the day to participate in any after school activity. The lone exception to this rule is if the student/athlete is attending an organized school activity during the school day that prevents them from attending class (ie. field trips). Be healthy and smart, take care of yourself!
Attendance issues can override any other qualification for a Varsity Letter. Unexcused absences may result in dismissal from the team. Any swimmer or diver that falls below acceptable attendance (80%) will likely not participate in the next meet.
Swimmers/divers will be notified in a timely manner by their coaches if they are scheduled to participate at invitational swim meets and on championship teams.