Absence Reporting Form

Please use this form when your athlete will NOT be riding the bus. Please complete by 3:45 pm on day of absence.


A transportation form is needed whenever your skier changes transportation modes. It is against all rules for the coaches to allow any change without the form. Please understand if you forget the form, coaches cannot allow you to take your skier home.

Examples where a form is needed:

  • Skier takes bus to race and wants to ride home with parent.
  • Parent brings skier to race and skier wants to take bus back to Rochester.
  • Skier wants to stay at Welch after Invite to ski with Ski Club and come home on ski club bus.


Click for Mayo form- Print, fill out, scan and email, or return in person.

Click for Century form- Print, fill out, scan and email, or return in person

Click for JM form- Print, fill out, scan and email or return in person.

** If your skier is a Co-Op skier, you will fill out the JM form.